Journalist Kate Sullivan transports you to restaurants around the country to hear the diverse stories of entrepreneurs, creatives, innovators and change-agents at their favorite restaurant. The show is a celebration of people who have taken an idea from ”inspiration to execution” through their own imagination and hard work and are now using their success to help others and ultimately change the world. It’s also a celebration of food and the place it holds in our life stories. Despite different races, religions, and beliefs, sitting down to a delicious meal over fascinating conversation can often get to the heart of what life is all about.

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Jeni Britton Bauer
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Jeni Britton Bauer – Founder – Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams
Jeni is the Founder and Chief Creative Officer of the famous dessert company that kicked off the artisanal ice cream movement. Jeni's ice cream is adored for its ingredient-driven flavorful ice cream with recipes crafted and tweaked to perfection. It’s something that Jeni's been working on for decades, even before she founded Jeni's in 2002. Today Jeni's has almost 50 storefronts and countless retail distributors nationwide. She's written two cookbooks; the bibles of ice cream making. Her work has won her a coveted James Beard award and a Henry Crown Fellowship. Jeni puts her heart into her work, and boy does it show. Today we talk about the roots of creativity and what happens after years of success when sometimes you hit a wall. Jeni reveals how she found herself broken recently and how she was able to restore her spirit.
Follow To Dine For:
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Official Site: Jenis.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/JeniBrittonBauer
Instagram: @JeniBrittonBauer
Twitter: @JenisSplendid

Monday Apr 19, 2021
Kevin Kwan
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Kevin Kwan – Author
Location: Crustacean in Beverly Hills, CA
Born into an incredibly wealthy Singaporean family, Kevin Kwan came to the United States to attend college in Houston. His life took many different creative roads before he was inspired to pen the book "Crazy Rich Asians", based on his family’s life back in Singapore. The New York Times best-selling novel became a cultural phenomenon and the first Hollywood movie starring an all-Asian cast in 25 years. Kevin was named by TIME Magazine as one of the most influential people in the world. Over garlic noodles at famed Beverly Hills restaurant Crustacean, Kevin talks about the roots of creativity, the long road to success and what kind of impact Kevin hopes to make in the future.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
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Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Official Site: KevinKwanBooks.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/KevinKwanBooks
Instagram: @KevinKwanBooks
Twitter: @KevinKwanBooks
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: CrustaceanBH.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/CrustaceanBH
Instagram: @CrustaceanBH

Monday Apr 12, 2021
Nate Mook
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Nate Mook – CEO of World Central Kitchen
A true renaissance man, Nate Mook began his career in the worlds of tech and filmmaking with prestigious NGOs and startups as clients. He has worked with the TED organization, dedicated to giving a voice to underserved communities. Now he continues his charitable efforts as CEO of World Central Kitchen. Founded by chef José Andrés, World Central Kitchen is a non-profit devoted to serving meals to people impacted by disaster. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic this organization is needed now more than ever. Luckily, Nate, José and the team are there to help. Nate has been recognized as a "Change Hero" by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and he's certainly not done encouraging change that the world so desperately needs. Today we're talking about success, food relief and doing meaningful work.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: WCK.org
Facebook: Facebook.com/WorldCentralKitchen
Instagram: @WCKitchen
Twitter: @NateMook

Monday Apr 05, 2021
José Andrés
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
José Andrés – Chef and Philanthropist
Location: Bodega 1900 in Barcelona, Spain
Spanish born chef José Andrés achieved the American dream by creating a restaurant empire that stretches across the country and the globe. Recently, José’s efforts have been focused on philanthropy and outreach. When Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, José and his team landed and immediately started cooking. In a short amount of time, they had fed a million people. Inspired by the flavors of his youth, José takes us back to where it all began for him. We dine at Bodega 1900 in Barcelona to talk about the simple flavors of Spanish tapas that sparked a love and passion for cooking and the roots of great hospitality.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: JoseAndres.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ChefJoseAndres
Instagram: @ChefJoseAndres
Twitter: @ChefJoseAndres
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: ElBarri.com/Bodega-1900
Facebook: Facebook.com/ElBarriAdria
Instagram: @Bodega1900

Monday Mar 29, 2021
Deepak Chopra
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Deepak Chopra – Author and Spiritual Teacher
Location: ABC Kitchen in New York City
New York Times best-selling author Deepak Chopra is a medical doctor by trade but he is best known for his work to get people to live a life of greater consciousness. His devotion to mental wellness and well-being is at the center of his work, his teachings and his speaking engagements. Over sustainable, organic and farm-to-table cuisine, Deepak shares how he brings an idea to execution through the power of the mind. This enlightening conversation is nourishing for both the mind and spirit.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: DeepakChopra.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/DeepakChopra
Instagram: @DeepakChopra
Twitter: @DeepakChopra
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: ABCHome.com/ABC-Kitchen
Facebook: Facebook.com/ABCKitchen
Instagram: @ABCKitchen

Monday Mar 22, 2021
Michelle and Hunter Norwood
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Michelle and Hunter Norwood – Founders – A Little Something Extra Ice Cream
Michelle and Hunter Norwood created a business with a vision beyond themselves, and it centers around ice cream. When you see their whimsical ice cream truck coming around the corner, you're in for something more than just a cone with sprinkles. The name of the business says it all. It's called A Little Something Extra. A Little Something Extra is a mobile ice cream truck business launched as a job opportunity for Michelle's son Hunter, who has Down Syndrome. Since its creation, the business has made it its mission to employ people with intellectual and physical exceptionalities. Today we speak about activism, learning life skills and the importance of treating everyone with respect.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: ALittleSomethingExtraIceCream.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ExtraIceCream
Instagram: @alittlesomething_extra
Twitter: @extraicecream1

Monday Mar 15, 2021
Blake Mycoskie
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Monday Mar 15, 2021
Blake Mycoskie – Founder of TOMS
Location: Snake River Grill in Jackson, Wyoming
From the majestic Teton Mountains, we hear the story of the man who defined what it means to be a “social entrepreneur”. Blake Mycoskie founded TOMS Shoes because of a need he saw in impoverished neighborhoods around the world: shoes. His “one for one” business model of donating a pair of shoes for every pair sold has been copied and recreated in thousands of iterations and has been studied by many. Amidst a crackling fire and over delicious “minute steaks” at the Snake River Grill, Blake shares the soul of an entrepreneur and the project that has re-ignited his spirit.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: BlakeMycoskie.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/BlakeMycoskie
Twitter: @BlakeMycoskie
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: SnakeRiverGrill.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/SnakeRiverGrill
Instagram: @SnakeRiverGrill
Twitter: @SnakeRiverGrill

Monday Mar 08, 2021
Natalie Guo
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Monday Mar 08, 2021
Natalie Guo – Founder – Off Their Plate
Natalie Guo was born in China, raised in Sweden and now calls Boston home. She is currently a medical student at Harvard Medical School, and at the beginning of the pandemic saw firsthand how devastating the toll on first line medical workers really was. So she had an idea: with so many workers out of work and so many healthcare workers needing warm meals, why not bring the two together? In less than 48 hours her idea was born.
Off Their Plate is a non-profit organization that employs restaurants to cook meals and deliver them to hospitals and urgent-care centers. That idea is now in cities all over the country, harnessing more than 220 volunteer workers. The concept has now morphed into helping with natural disasters and other areas in need. Natalie explains how the idea came to be and how it is fueling her own vision for her career, and what can be learned from her story to help anyone else creating something out of nothing.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: OffTheirPlate.org
Facebook: Facebook.com/OffTheirPlate
Instagram: @offtheirplate
Twitter: @offtheirplate

Monday Mar 01, 2021
Dan Harris
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Monday Mar 01, 2021
Dan Harris – Journalist and Author of 10% Happier
Dan Harris is a veteran news reporter for ABC News. He's covered every imaginable story including multiple war zones, mass shootings and natural disasters. The intense and brutal pace of the news cycle caught up to him when he suffered a panic attack on air in 2004. It was that moment that changed his life forever and led him on a path that even he couldn't imagine. Today the author of 10% Happier: How I Tamed the Voice in My Head, Reduced Stress Without Losing My Edge, and Found Self-Help That Actually Works is joining me to share his creation story, and how he hopes to help you too.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: TenPercent.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/DanHarrisABC
Instagram: @danharris
Twitter: @danbharris

Monday Feb 22, 2021
Ibram X. Kendi
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Monday Feb 22, 2021
Ibram X. Kendi – Author of Four Hundred Souls and How To Be An Antiracist
Dr. Ibram X. Kendi is a leading advocate for antiracism in America. His book How To Be An Antiracist flew off the shelves as the Black Lives Matter movement had an impassioned resurgence in 2020. He is using his voice to put an end to racial injustice, and people are listening. Dr. Kendi has a National Book Award, and three #1 New York Times Bestsellers. He was recently named one of TIME Magazine's 100 Most Influential People. He has done this all before even turning 40. His newest book, Four Hundred Souls, was co-edited by Dr. Keisha Blain. It details 400 years of African-Americans in a way no book has done before. Today we speak about activism, self-reflection, and antiracism.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Official Site: IbramXKendi.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/IbramXKendi
Instagram: @ibramxk
Twitter: @DrIbram