Journalist Kate Sullivan transports you to restaurants around the country to hear the diverse stories of entrepreneurs, creatives, innovators and change-agents at their favorite restaurant. The show is a celebration of people who have taken an idea from ”inspiration to execution” through their own imagination and hard work and are now using their success to help others and ultimately change the world. It’s also a celebration of food and the place it holds in our life stories. Despite different races, religions, and beliefs, sitting down to a delicious meal over fascinating conversation can often get to the heart of what life is all about.

Monday Feb 15, 2021
Scott Goldshine
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Monday Feb 15, 2021
Scott Goldshine – Zabar's
Location: Katz's Delicatessen in New York City
Scott Goldshine has been working the cash register at Zabar's for nearly 40 years. Mind you - his title and job description has changed many times over and he now runs the store, but one thing he's learned is that he's always expected at the register if someone is waiting. For those of you who aren't familiar, Zabar's is one of the original specialty grocery stores in NYC, the ultimate destination if you are a foodie, and one of only a few of the original family owned grocery stores that is still thriving. They are exceptional and a true testament to longevity in the brick and mortar space. Today we explore the history of this iconic food spot through the eyes of Scott Goldshine while eating at his favorite restaurant, Katz's Deli.
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Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
Thank You to our Sponsors!
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: Zabars.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/Zabars
Instagram: @ZabarsIsNY
Twitter: @ZabarsIsNY
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: KatzsDelicatessen.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/KatzsDeli
Instagram: @KatzsDeli
Twitter: @KatzsDeli

Monday Feb 08, 2021
Danny Meyer
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Monday Feb 08, 2021
Danny Meyer – Restaurateur
Location: Union Square Cafe in New York City
Danny Meyer has owned and operated restaurants in New York City for more than 3 and a half decades. He opened his favorite restaurant, the Union Square Cafe, in 1985. Since then he has opened the famed Gramercy Tavern, Tabla, Blue Smoke and so many others. His latest venture Shake Shack - a modern twist on a simple burger and soda - exploded onto the scene and now has outposts in cities all over the country. His commitment to hospitality and excellence in dining has earned him the reputation as one of the industry's gold standards of hospitality. Please enjoy my conversation with Danny Meyer.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
Thank You to our Sponsors!
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: USHGNYC.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/DannyHMeyer
Instagram: @dhmeyer
Twitter: @dhmeyer
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: UnionSquareCafe.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/UnionSquareCafe
Instagram: @UnionSquareCafe

Monday Feb 01, 2021
Anne Devereux-Mills
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Monday Feb 01, 2021
Anne Devereux-Mills – Founder & Chief Instigator - Parlay House
Anne Devereux-Mills is not a fan of small talk. She founded the Parlay House, that allows women from all over the world to engage in meaningful conversation and form lasting relationships. This desire for innovation and positive change has spanned her whole career, from working her way to the top as the CEO of multiple companies to advocating for the next generation of female world leaders from post-genocide countries. Today we learn about what it takes to become not only a great leader, but a leader who truly cares for others, and how to form a connection whether you're in person or virtual.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
Thank You to our Sponsors!
Spiritless - Use promo code TODINEFOR for free shipping
Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: AnneDevereuxMills.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/Anne.Devereux.Mills
Instagram: @annedevmills
Twitter: @annedevmills

Monday Jan 25, 2021
Kathryn Minshew
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Monday Jan 25, 2021
Kathryn Minshew – CEO & Founder - TheMuse.com
Location: Izakaya NoMad in New York City
At 29 years old, this young tech dynamo has done something thousands of others twice her age have tried and failed. Her website, TheMuse.com, helps people find the perfect job. She started with one person in her living room and she has grown the company to 50 million visitors every month. In this episode of To Dine For, we go with her to her favorite restaurant, Izakaya NoMad, in the heart of Manhattan. Izakaya is a Japanese gastro-pub known for its delicious grilled meats, fresh sushi and a closing time of 2am. Kathryn explains how she was able to take “a great idea,” raise millions of dollar in capital and turn her concept into a premier destination for Millennials to find jobs.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
Thank You to our Sponsors!
Spiritless - Use promo code TODINEFOR for free shipping
Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: TheMuse.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/TheDailyMuse
Instagram: @kminshew
Twitter: @kmin
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: IzakayaNoMad.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/IzakayaNoMad
Instagram: @Izakaya_NoMad

Monday Jan 18, 2021
Leila Janah
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Monday Jan 18, 2021
Leila Janah – Social Entrepreneur - Samasource
Location: Samovar Tea House in San Francisco, CA
She has been named to Forbes' “30 under 30”, Fast Company’s “Most Creative People in Business” and Fortune Magazine’s “Most Promising Entrepreneurs”. Leila Janah started a non-profit with $14,000 she won in a business plan competition. Her goal was to reduce global poverty by putting people into jobs where they could earn a living wage. Her company Samasource does just that. Leila takes us to her favorite San Francisco spot, the Samovar Tea House, to eat local, sustainable and socially conscious food and share why this food is the fuel she needs to continue her mission of ending world poverty. Leila passed away in early 2020 but her inspiring mission and work live on.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
Thank You to our Sponsors!
Spiritless - Use promo code TODINEFOR for free shipping
Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: Sama.com
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: SamovarTea.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/SamovarLife
Instagram: @SamovarTea

Monday Jan 11, 2021
M. Night Shyamalan
Monday Jan 11, 2021
Monday Jan 11, 2021
M. Night Shyamalan – Writer/Director
Location: Vetri Cucina in Philadelphia, PA
As Writer and Director of blockbuster hit movies such as “The Sixth Sense” and “Unbreakable,” Night has been able to hone the craft of "scaring the living daylights” out of moviegoers with his suspenseful and often terrifying flicks. His career has undoubtedly reached soaring highs and dramatic lows. At his favorite restaurant in Philadelphia, Night dishes on how to stay on the creative cutting-edge and what he hopes is his legacy in life and film. Night's latest project, "Servant" on AppleTV+, begins its second season this week.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
Thank You to our Sponsors!
Spiritless - Use promo code TODINEFOR for free shipping
Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: MNSFoundation.org
Instagram: @mnight
Twitter: @MNightShyamalan
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: VetriCucina.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/VetriCucinaPHL
Instagram: @VetriCucinaPHL
Twitter: @VetriCucinaPHL

Monday Jan 04, 2021
Farnoosh Torabi
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Monday Jan 04, 2021
Farnoosh Torabi – Personal Finance Expert
Location: Bijan's in Brooklyn, NY
Farnoosh Torabi is a financial expert, author and host of the financial podcast So Money. Her books include You're So Money: Live Rich Even When You're Not and When She Makes More: 10 Rules for Breadwinning Women, which tackle real-life money issues that people face every day. Over a delicious chopped salad with salmon at Bijan's in Brooklyn, we discuss Farnoosh's goal of bringing a richness to everyday life no matter your budget.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
Thank You to our Sponsors!
Spiritless - Use promo code TODINEFOR for free shipping
Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: Farnoosh.tv
Facebook: Facebook.com/FarnooshTorabi
Instagram: @FarnooshTorabi
Twitter: @FARNOOSH
Podcast: So Money
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: BijansBrooklyn.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/BijansBrooklyn
Instagram: @BijansBrooklyn
Twitter: @BijansBrooklyn

Monday Dec 28, 2020
Kavita Shukla
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Monday Dec 28, 2020
Kavita Shukla – Inventor of FreshPaper
Location: Great Sage in Clarksville, MD
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
Thank You to our Sponsors!
Spiritless - Use promo code TODINEFOR for free shipping
Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: KavitaShukla.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/FreshGlowCo
Instagram: @FRESHGLOWco
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: GreatSage.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/GreatSageRestaurant
Instagram: @GreatSageVegan

Monday Dec 21, 2020
Gitanjali Rao
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Monday Dec 21, 2020
Gitanjali Rao – Inventor & TIME's 2020 Kid of the Year
Location: Hacienda Colorado in Lone Tree, CO
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
Thank You to our Sponsors!
Spiritless - Use promo code TODINEFOR for free shipping
Follow Our Guest:
Instagram: @GitanjaliRao
Twitter: @GitanjaliRao
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: HaciendaColorado.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/HaciendaColoradoRestaurant
Instagram: @Hacienda_CO

Monday Dec 14, 2020
Erin Gleeson
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Erin Gleeson – Creator, The Forest Feast
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
Thank You to our Sponsors!
Spiritless - Use promo code TODINEFOR for free shipping
Follow Our Guest:
Official Website: TheForestFeast.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/TheForestFeast
Instagram: @TheForestFeast
Twitter: @TheForestFeast