Journalist Kate Sullivan transports you to restaurants around the country to hear the diverse stories of entrepreneurs, creatives, innovators and change-agents at their favorite restaurant. The show is a celebration of people who have taken an idea from ”inspiration to execution” through their own imagination and hard work and are now using their success to help others and ultimately change the world. It’s also a celebration of food and the place it holds in our life stories. Despite different races, religions, and beliefs, sitting down to a delicious meal over fascinating conversation can often get to the heart of what life is all about.

Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Jake Wood
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Saturday Jul 03, 2021
Jake Wood – Founder of Team Rubicon
Location: Wando's in Madison, WI
Jake Wood is a former Marine who used his military training to create and lead a non-profit called Team Rubicon. He won the 2018 Pat Tillman award for service at the ESPY awards and has written a book Take Command: Lessons in Leadership: How to be a First Responder in Business. At his absolute favorite spot for burgers and beer, Jake talks about his passion to put Veterans back to work and harness their military training to serve and help those most in need.
Follow To Dine For:
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Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Website: JakeWood.co
Facebook: Facebook.com/JakeWoodUSA
Instagram: @JakeWoodTR
Twitter: @JakeWoodTR
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: WandosBar.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/WandosBar
Instagram: @WandosBar

Monday Jun 28, 2021
Cardinal Blase Cupich
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Cardinal Blase Cupich – Archbishop of Chicago
Location: Tavern on Rush in Chicago, IL
Cardinal Blase Cupich is originally from Nebraska, one of nine kids in a Croatian family. His story of becoming a priest and dedicating his life to service is a fascinating one. He was chosen by Pope Francis to lead the Archdiocese of Chicago in 2014, and has served in that role since then. In the past year he has faced one of the toughest years of his tenure, with a global pandemic shuttering churches and sending the flock to find Mass on their computer screens. It was an honor to sit down and break bread with the Cardinal. No topic was off the table, and my goal was for listeners to get to know him a little bit better.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
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Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Website: ArchChicago.org
Facebook: Facebook.com/CardinalBCupich
Instagram: @ArchdioceseOfChicago
Twitter: @CardinalBCupich
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: TavernOnRush.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/TavernOnRush
Instagram: @TavernOnRush
Twitter: @TavernOnRush

Monday Jun 21, 2021
Norman Lear
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Norman Lear – Television Producer and Icon
Location: Crossroads in West Hollywood, CA
Norman Lear is a World War II veteran as well as a television producing icon. He is the creator of such legendary sitcoms as All in the Family, Good Times, Sanford and Son, The Jeffersons and many, many more. Norman has been instrumental in the creating and the success of so many Hollywood professionals, yet his biggest contribution is the discussion his work has sparked. Norman takes us to his favorite restaurant in the heart of LA, Crossroads, to talk about what makes a great meal and a great TV show.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Website: NormanLear.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/TheNormanLear
Instagram: @TheNormanLear
Twitter: @TheNormanLear
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: CrossroadsKitchen.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/CrossroadsKitchen
Instagram: @CrossroadsKitchen
Twitter: @Crossroads

Monday Jun 14, 2021
Tom Hayes
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Tom Hayes – CEO of Ocean Spray
Location: Cotton in Manchester, New Hampshire
Tom Hayes is the CEO of the iconic American brand Ocean Spray Cranberries. The farmer-owned Cooperative has been around for 90 years. It is most famous for its cranberries and cranberry sauce, however this year the brand has been striking out in many innovative directions, including capturing people's hearts with a now famous TikTok video.
Tom is originally from New Hampshire. He studied psychology at the University of New Hampshire, and his first job was as a dishwasher. So it makes sense that he would bring me back to New Hampshire, to his favorite restaurant in Manchester, Cotton, to share his career journey and vision for innovating what he calls a “Norman Rockwell brand”.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Website: OceanSpray.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/OceanSpray
Instagram: @OceanSprayInc
Twitter: @Tom_Hayes
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: CottonFood.com
Facebook: Cotton

Monday Jun 07, 2021
Judy Smith
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Monday Jun 07, 2021
Judy Smith – President and CEO – Smith & Company
Judy Smith is one of a kind. She's so good at her job her story inspired one of the most successful TV shows of all time. That's right, she is the real-life Olivia Pope, made famous by actress Kerry Washington on the ABC show Scandal. The fixer who handles hard situations and always figures a way forward. While the show no longer exists, Judy’s work continues.
She is the founder, president and CEO of the crisis management firm Smith & Company. She has “handled” many major celebrities and Fortune 500 companies who have found themselves in hot water. Her experience ranges from the Iran-Contra investigation, to the Monica Lewinsky scandal, to the World Health organization's response to the SARS epidemic. Today Judy joins me to share her path, how she became such an expert in this niche field and how modern companies can rise to the challenge of some of the most pressing concerns in our country right now.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: JudySmith.com
Instagram: @JudySmith_
Twitter: @JudySmith_

Monday May 31, 2021
Victoria James
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Victoria James – Author and Beverage Director of COTE
Victoria has worked in restaurants since she was a kid, and fell in love with the hospitality industry along the way. At 21 she became the country's youngest certified sommelier and today she's the beverage director at Michelin-starred COTE in New York City. But there’s more to Victoria than her accomplishments as a top tastemaker. Her best-selling memoir “Wine Girl” traces her struggles that could have set her back, but didn't. She pushed ahead through the boys club of the hospitality industry, and now she's hoping to transform it. Today we speak about the restaurant experience, sexism and overcoming adversity.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: VictoriaJames.info
Instagram: @victoria___james
Twitter: @GetUrGrapeOn

Monday May 24, 2021
John R. Tyson
Monday May 24, 2021
Monday May 24, 2021
John R. Tyson – Chief Sustainability Officer of Tyson Foods
Location: Herman's Ribhouse in Fayetteville, Arkansas
John R. Tyson, the great-grandson of the founder of Tyson Foods, is currently Tyson's Chief Sustainability Officer. After graduating from Harvard and getting a business degree from Stanford, John is now in a position that allows him to shape social responsibility for a new generation at the largest producer of protein in the world. John is now leading the charge to innovate and make Tyson a global leader in sustainability, and is eager to share what's ahead for Tyson Foods.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Website: TysonFoods.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/TysonFoods
Instagram: @TysonFoods
Twitter: @JohnRandalTyson
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: HermansRibhouse.com
Facebook: Herman's Ribhouse

Monday May 17, 2021
Jessica Alba
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
Jessica Alba – Actress & Founder of The Honest Company
Location: Night + Market in West Hollywood, CA
Jessica Alba had already become a successful Hollywood actress when she got the idea to start her own business. She never dreamed it would be so tough to begin. Even though she received many rejections and faced much disbelief in her ability, she persevered. Her eco-conscious personal care and baby products company The Honest Company is valued at more than one billion dollars. Jessica shares her incredible journey at her favorite Thai restaurant, Night + Market in West Hollywood. We dine on spicy chicken wings and larb gai and Jessica shares her passion and commitment to eco-friendly, sustainable and recognizable ingredients and her vision for what’s next.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Website: Honest.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/JessicaAlba
Instagram: @JessicaAlba
Twitter: @JessicaAlba
Follow The Restaurant:
Official Website: NightMarketSong.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/NightMarketLA
Instagram: @ntmrkt

Monday May 10, 2021
Dave Gilboa
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Dave Gilboa – Co-Founder & Co-CEO – Warby Parker
When he was a student at Wharton Business School, Dave Gilboa and his friends commiserated over the steep price of eyeglasses. This trivial conversation sparked a revolutionary idea. In 2010 they launched one of the most sought-after brands in retail: Warby Parker. Today Dave is Co-CEO of Warby Parker. Warby Parker offers affordable glasses as well as a free try-on at home option. They have retail locations across the country and Canada.
Beyond that, the company employs a social entrepreneurship program, distributing free eyeglasses to those in need. Dave's achievements have earned him a Henry Crown Fellowship, and the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. Through his work at Warby Parker, Dave Gilboa is showing companies that they can profitable and be a force for good in the world. Today we speak about innovation, success and social responsibility.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
Thank You to our Sponsors!
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Follow Our Guest:
Official Site: WarbyParker.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/DaveGilboaWP
Instagram: @DaveGilboa
Twitter: @DaveGilboa

Monday May 03, 2021
Franklin Leonard
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
Franklin Leonard – Founder – The Black List
Franklin is the reason that many of your favorite movies were made. He's the founder and CEO of The Black List, the saving grace for countless writers in Hollywood. Even if you aren't familiar with Franklin or his company, you have definitely seen the fruits of his labor. The Black List is a survey of the most liked but unproduced screenplays each year. It gives another chance to great stories that have been overlooked. This recognition has brought 400 films and counting to the big screen, including Juno, Spotlight and Argo. Franklin is an advocate for screenwriters and has been awarded by The Writers Guild of America for his work. He's helped bring life to extraordinary stories, shaping the world of entertainment today. We are speaking about the film industry, representation and giving others a voice.
Follow To Dine For:
Official Website: ToDineForTV.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/ToDineForTV
Instagram: @ToDineForTV
Twitter: @KateSullivanTV
Email: ToDineForTV@gmail.com
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Official Site: blcklst.com
Facebook: Facebook.com/FranklinJLeonard
Instagram: @FranklinJLeonard
Twitter: @FranklinLeonard